
Mikvah Photos

The Chabad of Cobb Mikvah Campaign is officially launched!
Thank you to our Donors!
Steve and Hollee Parker
Ron and Nava Alkalay
Micheal Shible
David and Robyn Shible
Gavin & Janine Band
Barry & Barbara Dolin
Ben & Yafa Dosetareh
Sharon Kagan
Stanley & Francine Kaufman
Henry & Janice Levine
Noach & Chana Pawlinger
Sheldon Privin
Jeffrey & Janice Sasine
Carol Weinberg
Freddy & Marlene Weingart
Jeff and Carol Davis
Mitchell and Amy Kaye
Mayer and Ruth Smith
Ian and Jody Kilov 
Avraham & Laura Addess 
Rabbi Zalman & Nechami Charytan
Ron & Wendy Feinberg
Abe Jakob
Mari Massey
Henry & Stephanie Schwartz
Michael & marina Sirota
Edith Weiss
Eliyahu & Marina Yania
Sheila Faber
Erik & Rita Klein
George Jakubovic 
Mitchell and Stacey Kopelman 
Aviva & Eyal Postelnik
Lenny & Nina Beck 
Harold and Wendy Asher 
Karen Behymer
Harvey & Eileen Botvinick
Brad & Sherrie Epstein
Dean & Lisa  Mallis
Spencer and Debra Reibman
Daniel & Rise Sachs
Ken & Eileen Schlenker
Neal & Debbie Seiden 

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