The Chabad of Cobb Mikvah Campaign is officially launched!
Provided by Fund-Raising-Ideas-Center.com
Thank you to our Donors!
Steve and Hollee Parker
Ron and Nava Alkalay
Micheal Shible
David and Robyn Shible
Gavin & Janine Band
Barry & Barbara Dolin
Ben & Yafa Dosetareh
Barry & Barbara Dolin
Ben & Yafa Dosetareh
Sharon Kagan
Stanley & Francine Kaufman
Henry & Janice Levine
Noach & Chana Pawlinger
Sheldon Privin
Jeffrey & Janice Sasine
Carol Weinberg
Freddy & Marlene Weingart
Jeff and Carol Davis
Mitchell and Amy Kaye
Mayer and Ruth Smith
Ian and Jody Kilov
Avraham & Laura Addess
Rabbi Zalman & Nechami Charytan
Ron & Wendy Feinberg
Abe Jakob
Mari Massey
Henry & Stephanie Schwartz
Michael & marina Sirota
Edith Weiss
Eliyahu & Marina Yania
Sheila Faber
Erik & Rita Klein
George Jakubovic
Mitchell and Stacey Kopelman
Aviva & Eyal Postelnik
Lenny & Nina Beck
Harold and Wendy Asher
Karen Behymer
Harvey & Eileen Botvinick
Brad & Sherrie Epstein
Dean & Lisa Mallis
Spencer and Debra Reibman
Daniel & Rise Sachs
Ken & Eileen Schlenker
Neal & Debbie Seiden
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